October 2024

October 2024
Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

“Strive to lead them with love and with a mild and kindly hand...” Angela's Third Legacy

Whether we are teacher, coach, staff member, parent, daughter, administration or just a friend, St. Angela’s philosophy was to always be kind and gentle with one another. Each person we encounter comes with a history and “baggage” we may never fully know or understand. Therefore, St. Angela advises that we treat each other with utmost respect and gentleness.

All of us are well-intentioned people who want to be followers of the Gospel values of love, charity, understanding and compassion as Jesus so well showed us. Yet there are moments in our day, or days in our week, that drain our energies and pull us down. It is at these times when we ask for the graces to continue to STRIVE to be good examples of what it means to lead.

Leading with love is more about influencing and inspiring others. It is not about power and authority. Leading has more to do with challenging in positive ways, and sharing in mutual purpose and goals. It involves enthusiasm, motivation, recognition of the gifts of others, and being a good listener.

Beneath all this lies the value of respecting another’s opinion, allowing the other to voice his/her ideas and involving others in decision-making, especially if it involves them personally. Leading with a kindly and mild hand can only lead to self-confidence, self-respect, understanding and acceptance.

We are all called to STRIVE toward Jesus’ model of leadership.

Sister Donna Frey, OSU
Ursuline and Catholic Identity


Past Posts

Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

The biggest question is how do we know what God’s will is? In "Also in Your Midst," a book about St. Angela Merici written by Martha Buser OSU, she speaks of God’s will as “something we come to know from within.”

Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

In a poem “Love Is the Soul of Hearts,” by Susan Polis Schutz, the essence of love and the joys of Advent and Christmas are captured well...

Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

In a poem “Love Is the Soul of Hearts,” by Susan Polis Schutz, the essence of love and the joys of Advent and Christmas are captured well...

Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

A word used by the Ursuline Sisters in years past, especially in the training of novices (women learning the life of a religious) and young students in Ursuline schools was “DECORUM.”

Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

Whether we are teacher, coach, staff member, parent, daughter, administration or just a friend, St. Angela’s philosophy was to always be kind and gentle with one another.