December 2024

December 2024
Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

“You must consider in what manner you must esteem them, for the more you esteem them, the more you will love them...” Prologue to the Counsels

In a poem “Love Is the Soul of Hearts,” by Susan Polis Schutz, the essence of love and the joys of Advent and Christmas are captured well.

Love is the meaning of poetry, the inspiration of dreams
the passion of dance, the music of songs
Love is the spirit of souls, the emotion of hearts
Love is the poetry of dreams, the dance of songs
and the soul of hearts

St. Angela asks us to “consider in what manner you must esteem them.” Each person has his/her dreams, passions, music, dance, song, and soul. 

To show respect and esteem for others requires that we reach out in compassion, understanding and sometimes, patience. The more time we spend with someone, the more we get to know who she/he is. ADVENT helps us to get to know and spend more time with JESUS. 

During this season of ADVENT we are invited to be patient and take our time to prepare for the coming of Jesus’ birth. Amid the busy-ness of baking, shopping, decorating, sending cards, we are to keep in mind the love that God pours upon us in giving us his only Son, Jesus. 

The more we get to know Jesus the more we see Jesus in others, our family, our friends, our co-workers, our parish and local churches. Allow this season to teach us how to reach out in love and hold others close to Jesus.

Sister Donna Frey, OSU
Ursuline and Catholic Identity


Past Posts

Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

The biggest question is how do we know what God’s will is? In "Also in Your Midst," a book about St. Angela Merici written by Martha Buser OSU, she speaks of God’s will as “something we come to know from within.”

Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

In a poem “Love Is the Soul of Hearts,” by Susan Polis Schutz, the essence of love and the joys of Advent and Christmas are captured well...

Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

In a poem “Love Is the Soul of Hearts,” by Susan Polis Schutz, the essence of love and the joys of Advent and Christmas are captured well...

Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

A word used by the Ursuline Sisters in years past, especially in the training of novices (women learning the life of a religious) and young students in Ursuline schools was “DECORUM.”

Sr. Donna Frey, OSU

Whether we are teacher, coach, staff member, parent, daughter, administration or just a friend, St. Angela’s philosophy was to always be kind and gentle with one another.