“The greater the value of what is undertaken, the greater the labor and danger which can be expected...” Prologue to the Rule
When we look over our “To Do” list, we often choose to do the easiest things first. It gives us a sense of immediate accomplishment and progress. We feel good, and this gives us incentive to keep going. Then, when we go back to the list again, we find we are thinking a little harder about what to do next, and it is often based on how much time it will take, how much effort it requires, what materials are needed, and how much energy it will take.
Sometimes, the items on our list are done in order of priority: what needs to be done first and what can wait. Then again, we work through the list based on what kind of psychic or emotional energy is needed.
Finally, we get down to the task that requires the most of us—it’s more work, time, effort, and energy….and maybe it could be dangerous in some way. This is what St. Angela is referring to when she says that the greater value of what we do often implies greater effort and hard work or possibly danger.
When we are dealing with each others’ lives in some way, there is much asked of us and the danger is one of how we impact and influence another by who we are and what we do. It is during these times that St. Angela reminds us to go to the feet of Jesus for help and wisdom. We do not have to do anything on our own. Call for help! A GREAT WAY TO BEGIN A NEW YEAR!
Sister Donna Frey, OSU
Ursuline and Catholic Identity