Undeniably Ursula Welcome to St. Ursula Academy, where the spirit of rigorous academics, faith, community, and sisterhood are part of every class, every day, every interaction.
Being an Arrow means stretching your mind, growing in your faith, becoming more confident, supporting your sisters—and going places you would never have imagined.
Undeniably an Arrow Join the Arrow sisterhood! Visit us to see how rigorous academics, faith, leadership, and community make every Arrow fly to her highest potential. Apply Now
Undeniably Academic St. Ursula Academy's premier academics prepare each girl for her college experience, future career, and life.
Undeniable Sisterhood Whether you love sports, singing, science, school spirit, or service—or all of these and more—your life at SUA will be rich and rewarding because of the many activities that enhance our premier academics.
Undeniable Generosity We value and appreciate the giving spirit of our supporters, and we thank you for helping us provide a premier academic and faith-based experience for girls in grades 6-12 in northwest Ohio.
Varsity Head Coach Madison Griffin