Welcome to The Merici Society!

St. Ursula Academy’s Merici Society is a parent group dedicated to providing service and support to SUA. As an SUA parent, you are already a member of The Merici Society, and we warmly welcome you to join us in our activities!

Our mission is as follows: 
The purpose of The Merici Society at St. Ursula Academy is to promote and support the excellence of St. Ursula Academy and Junior Academy, collectively known as SUA, and its academic, spiritual, and social programs through support for students, opportunity for student involvement, social activities for students, support for staff and gratitude to staff; to present social activities to foster school spirit and friendships with SUA parents and students; and to initiate, staff, and provide financial assistance for events for the benefit of SUA.

We hope to see you at our upcoming events. We truly believe that SUA is a family community, and it is strengthened by the involvement of all its members.

Merici Society Contacts

Seta Tchobanian, President

Rachael Decker, Faculty Representative