Inside SUA: Kirsten (Kedzierski) Hinshaw '00

Kirsten (Kedzierski) Hinshaw '00
Faculty/Director of Performing Arts

How long have you been a part of the SUA community?
Four years as a student, 9 years as a teacher/director!

What is your position/affiliation to SUA?
Alumna '00, Director of Performing Arts '15-present, and maybe a future parent? (It's her choice!)

What are you most proud of being affiliated with SUA?
I love that we offer a theatre curriculum that is relevant to both the hobbyist theatre performer and the pre-professional performer. I love our introductory theatre class (Foundations in Theatre) because it's just a little theatrical sprinkle accessible to everyone. On the opposite end, our Honors Musical Theatre class is super intense and is taken by only the bravest of souls! I love those classes equally!

What SUA Core Value is most meaningful to you, and why?
I think Care of the Individual is most important because it's how I felt most supported as a student here (most significantly by Elizabeth Horrigan, John Rowley, Jane Charette, Sue Gray, Pam Buehrer, Dennis Maas, and Julie Coolidge) and the foundation for the way I try to model my lessons and experiences for my own students now. Every student has a unique talent in something, and if I try to celebrate each of those unique talents and treat every student's talent as a special creation of God, it helps me understand and support teenagers during the toughest years.

How she has impacted students:
"Mrs. Hinshaw has been an important part of my journey at SUA. She has helped me gain knowledge of the acting world and ways I can pursue my dreams, as well as encouraged me through it all. Whenever I have a question, I know that Mrs. Hinshaw will always be there to help me find the answer." 

- Zoe '24


  • Inside SUA