Inside SUA: James Hojnicki

James Hojnicki
Science Faculty

How long have you been a part of the SUA community?
10 years

What is your position/affiliation to SUA?
Chemistry teacher

What are you most proud of being affiliated with SUA?
The success of my former students in college chemistry.

What SUA Core Value is most meaningful to you, and why?
While academic excellence is an obvious goal, it is best achieved through a commitment to Ursuline Spirituality. In following this plan, integrity and prayer are powerful contributors to academic success and to success in all aspects of life.

How he has impacted students:
“Mr. Hojnicki is a light to the SUA community. Throughout my time at St. Ursula, I would see him wandering the halls speaking to everyone while enjoying a cup of coffee. Once I took his class, I understood the lifelong gratitude I would have for him and the care he has for his students. Throughout his course, he tried his best to make sure his students remain engaged in such a rigorous class. I am currently a Neuroscience major; I reached out to Mr. Hojnicki for additional tutoring and he agreed to help. His kindness doesn’t stop within the walls of SUA but extends to alumnae as well. I would like to thank him for agreeing to meet with me every week with a smile on his face and words of encouragement. I truly am grateful for Mr. Hojnicki!”
- Brooklynne Gregory '20


  • Inside SUA