Sr. Donna Frey
Director of Mission Effectiveness
How long have you been a part of the SUA community?
1987-2000 and 2010-present
What is your position at/affiliation to SUA?
1987 - 1989 - Sophomore Theology Teacher
1988 - 2000 - Campus Minister
2010 - Present - Mission Effectiveness Director
What are you most proud of being affiliated with SUA?
My ministry of working with Ursuline Identity as Mission Effectiveness Director energizes me because the spirit of Angela Merici is so alive today. I learn more about her as I teach. The students so often inspire me with their understanding of the person of Angela and how she impacts their lives even in small ways. The depth of our faith life at SUA grows and deepens as Jesus and Angela become more real to us.
What SUA core value is most important to you and why?
Ursuline Spirituality - I find passion in speaking about the life and spirit of St. Angela Merici, the foundress of the Ursuline Sisters, and the history of the Ursuline Sisters of Toledo. St. Angela of the late 15th century and early 16th century is clearly a role model for our young women at SUA. Her values and spirituality lend to qualities we want to instill in our students to be prepared for today's modern and global world.
How she has impacted her students...
"Sister Donna is very sweet and kind. I've visited her many times since coming to the Junior Academy at SUA. She makes me feel very welcomed here."
– Anyssa Tedrow ’22
- Do You Remember?