The Ursuline Center Transfers Mission and Keys to St. Ursula Academy
St. Ursula Academy

Toledo, OH—The Ursuline Order established the Ursuline Center on Indian Road in 1985, but officially concluded its nursing mission in the building on Sept. 23. In a closing ceremony, the Sisters transferred keys to the site to St. Ursula Academy, with optimism that SUA will further its mission in the same space. 

Sr. Sandra Sherman, OSU, president of the Ursulines, passed the keys ceremonially to Mary Werner, president of SUA. SUA will use the building for a variety of purposes.

Sr. Sandra said, “Knowing our legacy of Ursuline education and values will dwell here and be sent out to the world gives us a deep sense of joy and gratitude.”  Werner added, “St. Ursula Academy will broaden and deepen the legacy of Ursuline education in this space.”

The Ursulines relocated the nursing home residents to other facilities during the last few months.

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