Toledo—St. Ursula Academy reached out to alumnae from all decades and across the world to ask for words of encouragement for students facing these uncertain times—and those alumnae responded immediately and in force.
Offering sentiments ranging from sympathy to empowerment, alumnae sent messages to current students—as well as to faculty and staff—to acknowledge their support.
SUA President Mary Werner said, “St. Angela Merici wrote, ‘And there will be no other sign that you are in the grace of the Lord than that you love one another and are united together.’ SUA sisterhood is a bond of a lifetime. It is easy to be united when things are going well. But it is during times of adversity that true unity shines through. In this time of uncertainty and change, especially for our Seniors, the unity and bond of SUA alumnae with their current Arrow sisters is beaming brightly.”
- Alumnae
- Class of 2020