"Pray to (God), humble yourselves under (God’s) great power, for there is no doubt since as God has given you this charge, so will God give you the strength to carry it out."
Prologue to the Counsels
As we move into the season of autumn, we experience even more change. Adjusting to school life amid COVID-19 with all the safety precautions, guidelines and educational challenges, we may be at a point where we need to be reminded that God is with us. We do not have to do anything alone. Our strength and perseverance come from the same God who has given us this particular task at this time in our lives.
To be humble means that we may need to admit our need help, for advice, to acknowledge that we are over-whelmed, that we need others. There is nothing wrong in accepting the need to lean on someone for encouragement to move onward. Whatever our role and responsibilities our God has entrusted us with priceless human beings we carry in our hands and hearts.
Autumn showers us with so many images of change, transformation, letting go of what was, waiting for the new in springtime, living through the darkness of winter. Nature teaches us that there is a natural process and flow that is timely and assuring of its own beauty.
Allow yourself time to take in the changes in the earth around us, especially the colors and leaves letting go to cover the ground for winter. Creation is such a beautiful gift from the God who loves us—the fall flowers, the majestic mountains, the flowing streams and rivers.
Nature also speaks to us of hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, earthquakes and climate. We are called to not only take care of our young ladies, but to care for the earth and all its gifts we so often take for granted. God speaks to us through nature and we have a responsibility to tend the earth.
God’s great power is awesome, yet nature teaches us to be humble, accepting and appreciative of the love that surrounds us. Let God’s love surround you and give you strength.
Sister Donna Frey, OSU
Director of Mission Effectiveness
- Faith
- Monthly Angela Reflection