"You will certainly see wonders if you direct everything to the praise of God's Divine Majesty."
Prologue to the Counsels
What a wonderful Month to give praise and honor to our Divine God! November brings us the opportunity to continue to reflect on the transitions and transformations we experience in the autumn season. November also includes the national holiday of Thanksgiving, the time we call to mind all that we are thankful for in our lives, families, country and world. November celebrates the beginning of the Advent season in preparing our hearts and homes for Christmas.
Certainly, as St. Angela tells us, we will see wonders if we address our God and give thanks for all that was, is, and yet to come. This calendar year of 2020 has been unusual, challenging, and surely has taken us out of our comfort zones. Our human experience has been tested and tried: COVID-19, illnesses and death, racial tensions, political tensions, natural disasters in our country, and tensions around the world. Even in the midst of all that we might be experiencing there is much to be thankful for in our lives. Take a few moments of quiet and think about the good that has come to you these past months.
November invites us to call to mind the people, events, experiences and opportunities for which we need to be grateful and turn our hearts to God’s presence in our lives. How is God working with me? What is God inviting me to? Where is God in my daily life? Keep your faith and hope alive—God is with us in our struggles and pain as well as our joys and happy moments.
Give God praise and breathe in God’s love for you!
Sister Donna Frey, OSU
Director of Mission Effectiveness
- Faith
- Monthly Angela Reflection