St. Angela Reflection - July 2020
Sister Donna Frey, OSU

"...when I enter into the secret of my heart."
Rule - On Prayer

If I seriously took time to reflect on what is in my heart, what would I find?

Would I find my deepest longings, desires, hopes and dreams? Would I find pain, sorrow, emptiness or loneliness? Would I find memories of the past that cause sadness and tears or memories that bring tears of sheer joy and happiness? The list goes on—so what do I find?

St. Angela encourages us to take time to BE alone with self, to BE alone with thoughts and feelings, to BE aware of the stirrings in our hearts. She invites us to spend time in quiet and allow ourselves to search for the goodness and the God-ness in our lives. 

St. Angela speaks of God as her Lover. Then immediately adds “rather, the Lover of us all.” She knows that God is with her at all times. God speaks to us if we but listen. To listen, we often need quiet moments. July, for many, is vacation time, that time away from the ordinary, that time to let go of the busyness of life and enjoy freeing moments that bring rest, relaxation and renewal.

Take time for yourself—if even a few hours—to get in touch with the inner stirrings of your heart. Allow God to reveal to you what it is you most need to refresh and renew your soul. 

In the secret of your heart allow yourself to be loved by God who loves us all.


Sister Donna Frey, OSU
Director of Mission Effectiveness



  • Faith
  • Monthly Angela Reflection