"For understand that I am more alive now than when I was on earth and I hold dear all the good works I see you constantly doing."
Prologue to the Counsels
The quote above was chosen because it reminded me of Jesus’ birth that we are celebrating this month. We celebrate his birth and his life remains with us always. For many of us, Jesus is more alive in our lives than when he first walked the earth those days in Nazareth, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem. Jesus is ever-present with unconditional love for each of us, unique as we are.
The spirit and life of St. Angela is with us more now than ever. A woman ahead of her time, an advocate for women, a spiritual guide, a pilgrim seeking the “lover of us all”—seeking the God-with-us that comes in the birth of Jesus.
As we move closer to the “birthday” of Jesus, we have been preparing our homes and our hearts for his coming. Decorating, sending cards, gathering gifts, arranging gatherings of family or friends, special foods—all of these are part of the celebration to come.
God with infinite goodness, knows the efforts we make to assure a sacred, holy and pleasant experience of celebrating Jesus’ birth. God sees our good works, our hopes for meaningful and love-filled times together. Our hearts are open, our doors are open, our thoughts are of only good things, and our greatest hope is for a peaceful and just world, free of violence and hate, and full of love and grace.
No matter what faith we embrace, may we find true peace and hope for a better world. God bless us all!
Sister Donna Frey, OSU
Director of Mission Effectiveness
- Faith
- Monthly Angela Reflection