St. Angela Reflection - April 2021
Sister Donna Frey, OSU

"Since God set up this Company, God will never abandon it."
Fourth Counsel: Verse 8

Happy Easter! As we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection from the dead, we are reminded that this mystery is one of hope and new life. The Easter season announces that ultimately evil has been overcome by good. Our faith calls us to recognize that Easter brings “the awareness that God is active even when his presence is not directly noticed” (Henri J. Nouwen). Something new is happening; there is still sinfulness among us, but there is light breaking through.

The tomb is empty—Jesus lives among us!

St. Angela drew upon her deep faith in the God who inspired her to establish a company for women that brought them new life and hope. Women in Angela’s company were given opportunities for a spiritual life outside of marriage or the confines of convent walls. She was able to help them see that God was ever-present in their lives and helped them experience community, faith and sharing, trust and love.

The gospel values of community, justice, service, faith, love, hope and courage were evident in Angela’s company and certainly integral to their Christian faith. True for us as well, God promises to be with us always. This is the Easter message of hope and new life for us through Jesus’ rising from the dead.

God is with us! God has not abandoned us! Have faith!

Sister Donna Frey, OSU
Director of Mission Effectiveness


  • Faith
  • Monthly Angela Reflection